
Revolutionäre Mikroroboter aus den Niederlanden könnten bald Leben retten

Revolutionary microrobots from the Netherlands could soon save lives

Lukas Fischer

Dutch researchers have Micro robots developed the treatment of thrombosis , one of the most important health challenges facing numerous ...

Das ist das Hauptnahrungsmittel der Bewohner von Okinawa, der Stadt mit den meisten Hundertjährigen der Welt (und seine Vorteile sind unglaublich)

This is the staple food of the inhabitants of Okinawa, the city with the most centenarians in the world (and its benefits are incredible)

Lukas Fischer

Okinawa, known for their remarkable centenarians, is characterized by high consumption sweet potatoes out of. This region values ​​foods that ...

Eine Studie zeigt, dass das Trennen des Internets auf dem Smartphone für 15 Tage die mentale Gesundheit verbessert

A study shows that disconnecting from the internet on your smartphone for 15 days improves mental health

Lukas Fischer

A recent study of American universities, including the universities Texas and Boston, shows that deactivating Internet on a smartphone for ...

Eine Studie zeigt, dass regelmäßige Bewegung das Demenzrisiko senken könnte, und bereits 5 Minuten pro Tag ausreichend sind

A study shows that regular exercise could reduce the risk of dementia, and just 5 minutes a day is enough

Lukas Fischer

A recent study highlights the positive effects of regular exercise on reducing the risk for Dementias. According to this research, ...

Nach 60 Jahren, hier ist die ideale Geschwindigkeit, mit der man gehen sollte, um effektiv Gewicht zu verlieren, laut Experten

After 60 years, here is the ideal speed at which you should walk to lose weight effectively, according to experts

Lukas Fischer

That is from the age of 60 fast walking the best alternative to the Health to improve. Experts recommend one ...

Wissenschaftler warnen vor den „magischen Schwämmen“ zum Reinigen von Wänden: Sie sind eine Gesundheitsgefahr, die Anwendung sollte unbedingt vermieden werden

Scientists warn against the “magic sponges” for cleaning walls: they are a health hazard and their use should be avoided at all costs

Lukas Fischer

Scientists warn magical sponges, which are widely used for cleaning. Although she as effective apply, these sponges made of melamine ...

Laut Forschern könnte es (sehr) schlecht für die Gesundheit sein, das Bett morgens zu machen

According to researchers, making the bed in the morning could be (very) bad for your health

Lukas Fischer

A current study by the University of Kingston suggests that making your bed in the morning is good for your ...

Dieses Lebensmittel, das wir sehr häufig konsumieren, kann eine Vergiftung verursachen, wenn es nicht innerhalb von 3 Tagen verzehrt wird

This food that we consume very often can cause poisoning if not consumed within 3 days

Lukas Fischer

The rice, staple in many kitchens, unfortunately can Risks of food poisoning cause if not stored properly. The Bacillus cereus ...

Die Meditation und Achtsamkeit haben eine dunkle Seite, über die man nicht spricht

Meditation and mindfulness have a dark side that is not talked about

Lukas Fischer

The Mindfulness meditation, often used as a remedy for stress and mental disorders celebrates a more complex reality. Although this ...

Welche (wirklich) ideale Distanz sollte man täglich zurücklegen, um fit zu werden

What (really) ideal distance should you cover every day to get fit?

Lukas Fischer

Walking is an often underestimated form of exercise, but one that is remarkably effective for physical fitness and… mental well-being ...

Grüne oder rote Apfel, einer von ihnen ist deutlich gesünder als der andere

Green or red apple, one of them is significantly healthier than the other

Lukas Fischer

The choice between the Green apple and that Red apple requires special attention as each offers unique health benefits. The ...

Die Avocados bleiben 4 Wochen länger frisch, ohne braun, schwarz oder matschig zu werden, dank eines genialen Tricks

The avocados stay fresh for 4 weeks longer without turning brown, black or mushy thanks to an ingenious trick

Lukas Fischer

In a context where a healthy diet is the focus, storing avocados often proves to be problematic. However, a simple ...

Hier ist die tatsächliche Anzahl der Duschen, die man jede Woche nehmen sollte, wenn man älter wird, laut Dermatologen

Here’s the actual number of showers you should take each week as you age, according to dermatologists

Lukas Fischer

As we get older, it becomes important to our Hygiene habits to re-evaluate, particularly in relation to the frequency of ...

Chérophobie: Kennen Sie diese verblüffende Angst, die einen daran hindert, glücklich zu sein?

Chérophobia: Do you know this amazing fear that prevents you from being happy?

Lukas Fischer

The Cherophobia, a surprising fear of happiness, acts like a brake that prevents it Joy and enjoy happy moments. In ...

Reisen wäre der beste Weg, um das Altern zu verlangsamen, laut Wissenschaftlern

Traveling would be the best way to slow aging, according to scientists

Lukas Fischer

Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Australia show that Travel the Aging process slow could. This study highlights the positive ...

Wissenschaftler enthüllen eine faszinierende Wahrheit über die Ursprünge der Prokrastination

Scientists reveal a fascinating truth about the origins of procrastination

Lukas Fischer

Scientists have recently discovered a surprising dimension Procrastination came into the spotlight, revealing that she doesn’t just go along with ...

Körperhygiene: Muss man sich wirklich täglich duschen

Personal hygiene: Do you really have to shower every day?

Lukas Fischer

The question about the Personal hygiene in everyday life causes discussions. In fact, it is not absolutely necessary to shower ...

Ist es empfehlenswert, gekochten Reis länger als 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank aufzubewahren

Is it advisable to keep cooked rice in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours

Lukas Fischer

cooked rice in the fridge longer than 24 hours Storing them poses significant health risks. The bacterium Bacillus cereus, which ...