
Ab welchem Alter wird Ihre Katze senior? Wesentliche Tipps zur richtigen Unterstützung basierend auf der Wissenschaft

At what age does your cat become senior? Essential tips for getting the right support based on science

Lukas Fischer

With about 15 million Cats in France, the question arises: When does your cat belong to the cat category? Seniors? ...

Laut Experten sind hier die Gründe, warum Sie sich immer von Ihrer Katze verabschieden sollten, wenn Sie das Haus verlassen

According to experts, here are the reasons why you should always say goodbye to your cat when you leave the house

Lukas Fischer

Experts agree that Cat deep to hers Owner are bound and their departure without one Farewell can cause anxiety and ...

Wissenschaftler haben ein menschliches Sprachgen in Mäuse implantiert und ihre Stimme verändert

Scientists have implanted a human speech gene into mice and changed their voices

Lukas Fischer

A recent scientific advance highlights the importance of the human gene NOVA1 for evolution and communication. Researchers implanted this gene, ...

So wählt eine Katze ihren bevorzugten Besitzer in der Familie, laut der Wissenschaft

This is how a cat chooses its preferred owner in the family, according to science

Lukas Fischer

The Cats, which are often viewed as independent animals, nevertheless show strong preferences for a family member. Her Behave and ...

Laut den Enthüllungen der NASA könnte China die Erdrotation mit einer einzigen, einfachen Maßnahme verlangsamen

China could slow the Earth’s rotation with a single, simple measure, according to NASA revelations

Lukas Fischer

According to the revelations of NASA China could potentially rotation of the Earth through the influence of its Three Gorges ...

Wie Tiere und Menschen das Erdmagnetfeld erkennen und nutzen

How animals and people detect and use the earth’s magnetic field

Lukas Fischer

The Earth’s magnetic field, an invisible but crucial force, plays a fundamental role in the interaction between animals and humans. ...

Das Rad hätte früher erfunden werden können als Ihnen beigebracht wurde, und diese neue Entdeckung stellt vieles in Frage

The wheel could have been invented sooner than you were taught, and this new discovery calls a lot into question

Lukas Fischer

A recent archaeological discovery suggests that the wheel was invented in the Carpathian Mountains around 3900 BC, much earlier than ...

Eine Studie zeigt, dass Menschen mit diesem Haustier einen höheren IQ als der Durchschnitt haben

A study shows that people with this pet have a higher IQ than average

Lukas Fischer

A recent study from Carroll University highlights a surprising connection between pets and the intelligence their owners. The results show ...

Können Hunde sich an ihre früheren Besitzer erinnern? Eine Frage, die die Forscher spaltet

Can dogs remember their previous owners? A question that divides researchers

Lukas Fischer

The dogs, these loyal companions, seem to be able to Memories to their former owners, which sparks a debate among ...

Eine Quantenmaschine könnte das ultimative Schicksal des Universums vorhersagen, sagen die Wissenschaftler

A quantum machine could predict the ultimate fate of the universe, scientists say

Lukas Fischer

One Quantum machine could revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos by… ultimate fate of the universe. Through Quantum annealing Researchers ...

So viel Zeit braucht eine Katze, um ihren Besitzer laut Wissenschaft zu vergessen

According to science, this is how much time it takes for a cat to forget its owner

Lukas Fischer

The Cats, fascinating animals, have amazing memory abilities. Her Short-term memory lasts up to 16 hours while you Long-term memory ...

In den Abyssen drückt der Wasserdruck alles Leben zusammen. Wie widerstehen die Kreaturen der Tiefsee

In the abysses, water pressure squeezes all life. How do the creatures of the deep sea resist?

Lukas Fischer

In the depths of the sea, where the pressure of the water is equal to the weight of an elephant ...

Dieser faszinierende Vogel ist der einzige, der rückwärts fliegen kann, aber kennen Sie ihn

This fascinating bird is the only one that can fly backwards, but do you know it?

Lukas Fischer

The humming-bird, a fascinating bird known for its unique ability to to fly backwards, plays an essential role in our ...

Hierher kommt das Salz der Ozeane der Erde und warum es so wichtig ist

This is where the salt of the Earth’s oceans comes from and why it is so important

Lukas Fischer

The Oceans cover more than 70% of our planet’s surface and host a exceptional marine biodiversity. At the heart of ...

Wissenschaftler haben den kleinsten Quantencomputer der Welt gebaut

Scientists have built the world’s smallest quantum computer

Lukas Fischer

Scientists have one big breakthrough achieved in quantum computing by smallest quantum computer the largest ever designed, with a size ...

Die Erfahrung des Quantenkatze bricht einen Rekord, indem sie 1400 Sekunden überlebt

The Quantum Cat’s experience breaks a record by surviving 1400 seconds

Lukas Fischer

A new impressive record was set with a Quantum cat set up, theirs Superposition maintained for 1,400 seconds. This progress, ...