Since I put this fruit on my balcony, the robins have doubled in number

Lukas Fischer

Seit ich diese Frucht auf meinen Balkon lege, sind die Rotkehlchen doppelt so zahlreich

Since the installation of Fruit I have an increase on my balcony robin noted. These reserved birds that… Autumn migrate, seem particularly drawn to the sliced ​​apples I provided. In addition to feeding these wonders, providing them with shelter is crucial to ensure their safety. Arranging the environment so that they are more present makes it possible to enjoy a true bird spectacle.

Essential information

  • The placement of Fruit on the balcony robin to.
  • The robin migrate in Autumn in a discreet way.
  • The Apples, cut into pieces, encourage their presence.
  • A safe and welcoming environment for them Birds create.

Attract robins with fruit

Since we started placing fruit on the balcony, the observation of robin become a fascinating daily experience. The presence of these birds, often discreet and migratory, has doubled, transforming a simple outdoor space into a true ornithological meeting. These birds, known for their vibrant plumage and gentle song, are now frequent guests, attracted by the bounty of nature we offer them.

The importance of fruit in their habitat

Fruit, in particular Apples, plays a crucial role in the attractiveness of the environment. These natural foods perfectly meet the nutritional needs of robins, which encourages them to venture closer to their homes. The strategy is to cut the apples into pieces, making them more accessible to these birds. This little attention can greatly improve the chances of impressive close-up observations.

Ensuring the safety of robins

In addition to food, it is important to provide adequate shelter. These retreats allow robins to feel safe, especially during their migration in the Autumn. Creating a welcoming and protective environment not only promotes their presence, but also their well-being. Adding natural elements such as branches, bushes or discreet hiding places will help gain their trust.

Design the environment for better attraction

Designing the environment also means making sure that the balcony is a pleasant space. By eliminating clutter and adding natural colors, you can increase its appeal. Birds are sensitive to their visual surroundings, and a harmonious setting encourages them to stay there longer. By taking these aspects into account, every bird lover can increase their chances of witnessing an extraordinary bird display.

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A joy to share with the fauna

Feeding and protecting these birds not only contributes to their survival, but also enriches our own life experience. The observation of the robin in their natural habitat brings indescribable joy and creates a valuable connection between people and nature. This simple gesture of providing fruit on the balcony turns into a beautiful interaction with the fauna and contributes to the conservation of these wonderful birds.

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About the author,Lukas Fischer
I'm 41 years old and a professor of natural sciences. I am passionate about astronomy and ecology. On this website I share my enthusiasm for science and want to promote knowledge about our environment and the universe.

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