
Eine neue Technologie verwandelt die Abgase Ihres Autos in Elektrizität

New technology turns your car’s exhaust fumes into electricity

Lukas Fischer

A revolutionary new technology allows the heat of the Exhaust fumes into electrical energy with the aim of minimizing energy ...

Bald das Ende der Ladestationen? China präsentiert seine revolutionäre Technologie für Elektrofahrzeuge

The end of charging stations soon? China presents its revolutionary technology for electric vehicles

Lukas Fischer

China announces a major breakthrough in electric vehicles (EV) with technology based on battery replacement. The new ones Choco swap ...

Eine künstliche Intelligenz bietet Ihnen an, mit den Pflanzen Ihres Gartens zu sprechen, die grüne Revolution steht vor der Tür

An artificial intelligence offers you to talk to the plants in your garden, the green revolution is just around the corner

Lukas Fischer

One novel artificial intelligence promotes dialogue between gardeners and plants and marks a decisive step towards Intelligent garden, which will ...

Es ist an der Reihe, dass Sam Altman enthüllt, wodurch er Smartphones ersetzen möchte, eine KI-basierte Innovation, entwickelt von einer ikonischen Figur von Apple

It’s the turn of Sam Altman to reveal what he wants to replace smartphones with, an AI-based innovation developed by an iconic Apple figure

Lukas Fischer

Sam Altman, technology visionary, proposes a revolutionary alternative to the Smartphones before, in collaboration with Jony Ive, the former designer ...

chinesischer Roboterhund Black Panther 2.0

A Chinese robot dog breaks the world record by running 100 meters in less than 10 seconds, a true feat

Lukas Fischer

The Chinese robot dog Black Panther 2.0 achieved a remarkable feat by breaking the world record and 100 meters in ...

Laut einer umfassenden Studie sollen chinesische Supercomputer-Chips zehnmal leistungsstärker sein als die von Nvidia

According to a comprehensive study, Chinese supercomputer chips are said to be ten times more powerful than those from Nvidia

Lukas Fischer

A recent study published in a peer reviewed magazine, shows that the Chinese supercomputer chips surpass that of Nvidia and ...

Verbraucht ein leerer Handy-Ladegerät Strom?

Does an empty cell phone charger use electricity?

Lukas Fischer

A unused phone charger represents an unexpected source of energy consumption. It is estimated that such a device is approximately ...

Hier ist der Grund, warum Sie Ihr Telefon nachts nicht aufladen sollten

Here’s why you shouldn’t charge your phone at night

Lukas Fischer

Charging your phone overnight may seem convenient, but it comes with significant risks Risks. Overcharging over 100% can result in… ...

Mark Zuckerberg kündigt das Ende der Smartphones an und enthüllt seinen revolutionären Ersatz

Mark Zuckerberg announces the end of smartphones and reveals his revolutionary replacement

Lukas Fischer

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO from Meta, says one radical transformation of personal technology, with the advent of smart glasses as a ...